Here are just a few of the photographs from the #CCRNSW Retreat weekend at St Agatha's Parish, Pennant Hills on 19-20 Jan 2019.
The first one is of Jim Murphy, president of ICCRS, as those gathered for the retreat prayed for him, invoking the Holy Spirit to help him teach what we needed to hear.
In the background you can see the big poster with the theme for the retreat weekend on it, 'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord' Zech 4:6
The first one is of Jim Murphy, president of ICCRS, as those gathered for the retreat prayed for him, invoking the Holy Spirit to help him teach what we needed to hear.
In the background you can see the big poster with the theme for the retreat weekend on it, 'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord' Zech 4:6
The next one is Jim Murphy teaching on the first day of the retreat.
And Fr Hugh Thomas CSsR preaching the homily for Mass on the Sunday of the retreat.
After lunch each day, and before the final afternoon session of the day, there was opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration in the parish church. The monstrance on the altar isn't easy to see, but it is there.
While Eucharistic Adoration was going on, several priests were hearing confessions. Many, many people took advantage of both opportunities.
And our last photo is from the final session of the weekend.
Jim Murphy is straight in front of you with his guitar, playing hymns of praise and worship. It isn't easy to see, but above his head you can see the top of the monstrance. The people standing up are the prayer teams praying over the seated people, specifically over the areas where our backs (areas of weakness) had been targeted by the enemy.
It was a taste of a deo-centric culture, albeit in microcosm, but still united to the worship of God going on in the throne room of heaven.
It was a taste of a deo-centric culture, albeit in microcosm, but still united to the worship of God going on in the throne room of heaven.