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Prophetic Intercession

This is a transcription of the workshop held in Rome on 1 June 2017 with this topic as part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal #ccrgoldenjubilee2017
The speakers were Cyril John and Denise Bergeron, with translations in English and French.
Cyril John lives in Delhi, India and is vice-president of the ICCRS Council. In 2012 he published a book called, 'Pray Lifting up Holy Hands: The Prayer of Intercession'.
Denise Bergeron lives in Canada and is part of the Centre De Prière L'Alliance which runs Intercession Training Courses.

This is the link for the video recording: https://youtu.be/ZK4134aUKCE
It is not a full recording; there are two gaps where content is missing.

(At the end of this blog-post is a 2 page PDF summary of this workshop, to enable it to be easily shared at prayer meetings.)
Cyril: This morning we are going to deal with a very exciting topic, that is Prophetic Intercession. This a prophetic sign of the times. Great things that the Lord is going to do in our midst. Great things that the Lord is going to do through the Jubilee Year. How many of you have heard about Prophetic Intercession before? Yes, some of you have heard about Prophetic Intercession, and some of you are going to hear for the very first time.
We have a very short time, but we will try to present this topic in a nutshell. And those of you who want to read more about this, you have a book on intercession that is in French as well as English.
So St Paul speaks about Intercession in a very powerful way, that is in 1 Tim 2:1-2. St Paul says, 'First of all, I ask that supplications, praise, petitions and thanksgivings be offered for everyone, and especially kings and those in authority'. St Paul says that it is the first and primary responsibility of every believer. Normally people think that intercession is meant for a very few people. Intercession is the responsibility of every baptised person. That is why St Paul says that it is the first priority in the life of a believer and St Paul says, 'intercede, pray for everyone' and pray especially for those in authority: those in authority in the Church, those in authority in our countries and those in authority in the renewal.
So, we are all called to be intercessors, and then the question is 'How do we intercede?' Some of us have been interceding for 20 years, 10 years. How do I intercede? Most of us, you know, have a notebook we write down the intentions that people tell us. We carry the notebook to our intercessory meeting and we lift up these intentions, and we have been doing this for the past many years. What I am trying to tell you today is just like we go to school in the nursery class, then Class 1 and Class 2, so we need to grow, we need to grow in our ministry of intercession. So it is good that we begin writing down in the notebook presenting it to the Lord – but it is also important that we grow in our ministry and in prophetic intercession we try to rely on the Lord.
A prophetic intercessor is one who opens his ears, who opens his eyes to hear what the Lord is speaking. Consider that our interpreter is Jesus and that I am an intercessor. As an intercessor I place my ears close to the heart of Jesus (visual demonstration). What am I trying to hear? The heart-beat of Jesus. What I am trying to tell you is that every moment Jesus has a burden to share with us. As intercessors we should train our ears, we should train our eyes to hear what Jesus wants to tell us and to see what Jesus wants to show us, because Jesus is The Intercessor and Jesus carries a lot of burden for the world and the church.
Now, Ezekiel 22:30, it says, 'Thus I have searched among them for someone who could build a wall or stand in the breach before Me to keep Me from destroying the land, and I found no one.' Ezekiel 22 speaks about the sins of Jerusalem. The Lord was going to destroy Jerusalem. And the Lord is saying, 'I have searched for someone who would build a wall or who could stand in the breach'. What is the wall? The wall is built to protect. So the Lord is looking for one person, to stand in the breach. Standing in the breach is where there is a strain or break in the relationship. The Lord is looking for someone to stand in the breach and intercede between the people and God. So every time there is a situation, the Lord is looking for intercessors.
You and I will be able to hear this call from the Lord and see this call with our eyes, if we become prophetic intercessors; intercessors who are willing to keep our ear and eye to the Lord. Now the Lord says, 'I have searched for someone', one person and one person can save the whole of Jerusalem.
Now in the first book of the bible, in Genesis, father Abraham has a prophetic role that way in chapter 18 which says, 'The Lord says to Himself (Gen 18:17) shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?' The Lord was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and the Lord is thinking to Himself, 'Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah?' And the Lord speaks to Abraham, and Abraham intercedes. Alleluia. That is prophetic intercession. That is prophetic intercession.
So whenever something is going to happen, the Lord searches for people in our midst who are willing to build a wall or to stand in the breach. Amen. Shall we say Amen? Amen!
Do you recite the Divine Mercy chaplet? Yes or No? Yes. Sr Faustina started this. But what is important is the circumstances, the situation when this was started. Sr Faustina was praying in her cell, then she had a vision. The vision was an angel of destruction going to destroy a particular nation. Sr Faustina started praying, and nothing was happening. And Sr started praying more and says she was lifted up to heaven and she was standing before the Trinity and she was inspired and given a new prayer. She started praying and she says the angel of destruction started withdrawing from the process of destruction and the nation was saved. This is prophetic intercession.
So from time to time the Lord is searching for people, the Lord is looking for intercessory groups. And I remember once in Delhi the city that I live, we were praying in a group and the Lord showed us a cyclone and we started praying for the cyclone. Again next week, again the Lord showed us the cyclone coming towards coastal India. After 8 days it was announced in the news that there is going to be a powerful cyclone. So the Lord revealed to us 8 days before about the cyclone, so we all prayed and the cyclone was coming at a speed of 125 km/hr. So the speed of the cyclone was reduced to 80 km/hr and then reduced to 8 km/hr and finally the report said the cyclone went back to the sea and the commentator said it is stationed there. The commentator said, 'this is a unique phenomenon'. Amen.
(break in content)
He asked the woman, 'Did you ever think of committing suicide?' She said, 'Yes, 16 years ago I attempted suicide'. So the Lord is looking for prophetic intercessors.
What is needed from our side? That we need to be listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We need to keep our eyes open. We need to keep our ears open. Romans 8:26-27 It says 'in the same way the Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness for we do not know how to pray as we ought'. So in prophetic intercession we rely on the Holy Spirit, for we do not know how to pray. There are many things not known to us when we pray for a situation. So when we rely on the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit reveals many hidden things and we are able to intercede powerfully and we are able to intercede strategically – with a strategy.
Few minutes. Stand up. We are going to have a very short workshop. Turn to your companion, 2 people each, two by two. Turn to each other. We are going to pray. Now listen. You are going to pray for a companion. You are going to ask the Lord, 'Lord make this brother or sister a prophetic intercessor, a prophetic intercessor'. And after you pray over, you are going to bless both the eyes with the Sign of the Cross and bless both the ears with the Sign of the Cross. Because you are going to ask the Lord to open the eyes to see what He wants us to see, open the ears to hear what the Lord wants us to hear. Because only when we have the eyes and the ears open to the Lord we can be prophetic intercessors. So just lay your hands and pray, and both of you at the same time and bless the eyes and the ears. So we begin.
(break in content)
Denise: Lord we thank You because You speak powerfully to us today. Some brothers and sisters among us feel maybe like they are choking and aren't able to let this fire rise up through their hearts. I invite you to abandon yourselves into God's hands. I invite you to place your faith in Him who is the source of life, and if your heart is choking up raise your hands to God, raise your arms to God and wait, wait in faith, don't hold back on what is holding you a prisoner but raise your hands to the Lord. He wants to free you today. Don't stay in darkness, but come to the light. Thank You, Lord Jesus, thank You. And I invite you now to bless the Lord and to thank Him. And I invite you now to a time of silence to receive God's word that I am now going to give you, which we can receive. God's word which is given to us today.

Matthew 10:1 and onwards. 'Having called His 12 disciples to Him, Jesus gave them authority over unclean spirits in order to be able to chase them away and to heal, to be able to heal all illness'.

That is God's calling to us today, because He always answers our prayer and that accomplishes and completes in a good way what we are doing. When the Lord is calling you He always gives you His Holy Spirit. May this word heard today come and act powerfully in our hearts so that more and more intercessors can agree to pray for their brothers and sisters.

And now Lord we want to thank You for all that You are going to do. We have offered You our lives, we have prayed for this fire to spread throughout the whole of the earth and now we want to thank You for the way in which You are going to do that and I want to end our prayer by entrusting all these intentions to the Virgin Mary. Mary intercedes for us powerfully because she is in deep communion with her Son.

Hail Mary…
Glory Be…
This talk takes on a whole new dimension of importance after hearing the prophetic word of Patti Mansfield towards the close of the Pentecost Vigil at the Circus Maximus in Rome 3 June 2017:
'Lift up your eyes and see that the fields are white for harvest and if you would obey Me and if you would obey the prompting of My Spirit you will yet see infinitely more than you can ask or imagine you will yet see power of my Spirit descend upon the human race. I tell you the fields are white for harvest but I need your obedience, I need your docility and I need your faith and you will yet see marvels that will astound you infinitely more than you can ask or imagine for the glory of My name.'
We cannot obey, unless we can see and hear what God is calling us to do.
Below is the promised 2 x A4 page PDF edited summary of this talk:
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Share it in your prayer groups, and pray for each other in the way that Cyril John invites.

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